Yet Another Voice

Logan Ice
3 min readNov 27, 2020


Yep. Another voice. Another person shouting thoughts into the void, offering unsolicited advice, and posting articles that fill your newsfeeds with links in between the regularly scheduled political ramblings. Clearly I’ve lost my mind.

It’s a fair question.

I’ve asked myself the same question.

Truthfully, writing has never been something I’ve been particularly drawn to. As Mark Twain put it, “There’s no such thing as a new idea” — so why should I spend time spouting my not-new thoughts out there?

Not to inundate you with quotes or to downgrade from one of the most popular authors of all time to a supervillain in a high-budget blockbuster, but the answer really does boil down to a response to Heath Ledger’s take on The Joker in The Dark Knight

… or should you?

Sure, if your goals in life are money, money, and, well, money — this is great advice. If you want to maximize your personal revenue, you should strive to get paid for everything you do. It’s simple math.

But what if that’s not your goal?

I’m fortunate enough to be financially stable, work in a field with plenty of growing opportunities, and have limited adversity staring my heterosexual, cis-gendered, white male self down. Not everyone is in that position, by a long shot.

I firmly believe the world is a better place when we lift each other up. When you have the privilege to be in a position to help, it’s your obligation to do so. Whether through mentoring my peers, being an allied voice alongside Women, POC, and our LGBTQ colleagues, or supporting our amazing STL community, it is my mission in life and in work to give back and lift up.

I’ve worked in Startups and Fortune 100 companies. Studied novel approaches to eliminate cancer cells and crawled under houses spraying for bugs for a living. Learned from Amazon VPs and mentored recent graduates of local learn-to-code initiatives.

Now I want to take those experiences and give back. Rather than sitting on a throne of experience and charging an admission fee, I’m going to start sharing my thoughts regularly. Whether it’s an Intro to A/B Testing in a digital world, or talking through how Dungeons and Dragons helps improve your teamwork and communication skills, it’s time to start giving back.

Thanks for reading. I’d appreciate any “Claps” or shares to grow my reach here, and be on the lookout for a lot more content throughout December and beyond. I’m looking forward to sharing a bit of my experiences with you all!

Logan is a Digital Strategist located in St. Louis and is passionate about Startups, Marketing, Psychology, and Data Science. Connect with him on LinkedIn to grab a virtual coffee and chat, and follow him here on Medium for more stories and unsolicited advice!



Logan Ice

I’m passionate about Startups, Marketing, Psychology, Data Science, and Sharing what I’ve learned through a decade trying to tie all that together.